Welcome to the first official post of the I Evolve Blog! As we welcome everyone in, I'd love to ask a question that may or may not be difficult to answer as our version of an "Ice Breaker"
That question is: What is something you do for yourself that makes you feel free? And Why that specific thing?
I say that this might be a "difficult" question to answer because some may believe that doing something for yourself; no matter what it is, may be seen as being "selfish" to some other people. When in reality, it's just you finding time to care for YOU.
No matter if you are a mother, sister, daughter, or whatever your title may be; I've noticed that sometimes we as women push our needs and desires for self-care (in any way, shape, or form) to the side because we are always helping others, or finding ourselves pulling in different directions.
What makes you feel free? You'll never know... Someone below might share the same habits or hobbies as you!
Don't be shy... feel free to respond to anyone's comment if you feel the desire to. Remember, this is a safe space for all women, but kindness and respect are two of our important pillars in this forum.
This was a tough one. My first impulse was to say 'art' but then I remember how I am so often pulled back from the process of creating into the trap of my internal desire for perfectionism; it's not a "freeing" feeling. So, with a little more reflection, I'd have to say singing. I am sometimes plagued by that same sense of perfectionism, but so much less so lately. This past fall I was tapped to lead the worship team for our women's bible study and felt wholly unprepared for the role. As I've grown into the role, I have learned to love every step in the process. I now take the time to read the hymns as poetry in the search for the ones that best fit our study. I consider the ladies who sing with me and our pianist as I search for music that suits us all. I remember that I am just in front giving cues, but it's the ladies in the pews who need this time with God to worship and reflect. I have gone into Thursday mornings feeling wholly unprepared, and without fail it always works. Hmmm.. I wonder why? Maybe because I'm not the one in control. (That's not a question at all!) This role of leadership has not once felt like work; it has felt like the opportunity to share a gifting that I'd been afraid to show for so many decades.... and that is freeing. (And, as I discovered in surprise after watching a recording of one of our mornings... I'm not such a bad singer! It actually surprised me!) Singing is very freeing to me, and I find myself doing it so much more now for myself than for anyone or anything else.